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An image of 7 people grabbing each-other's wrists in a circle, demonstrating solidarity.
A person with their palms facing up with a yellow flower pressed between their hands.
Two police officers reviewing information on a cell phone together. The female officer in the front is holding the phone and the male officer behind her is watching the phone.

Community Outreach and Education​

There are three pillars to Centurions Michigan. The first directorate is Community Outreach and Education. This directorate’s goal is to raise awareness and educate the community on human trafficking in all its forms as well as provide resources for recognizing and reporting potential instances of human trafficking. Efforts include educating local schools, businesses, community organizations, and law enforcement on the recognition and reporting of instances of human trafficking. Also, reaching out to lawmakers and political systems to advise and assist in favorable legislation action.


The Operations Directorate works closely with various law enforcement agencies and the community to identify human trafficking. This directorate is populated with highly skilled and vetted personnel who are passionate in their goal to eradicate human trafficking. They relay complaints from the community, conduct surveillance, and provide an additional resource to law enforcement agencies. Furthermore, the Operations Directorate has a unique, robust information collection and analysis capability which provides essential information to anti-human trafficking efforts.


The Rehabilitation Directorate has the ambitious goal of creating the first ever comprehensive facility to assist victims in traumatic healing and reintegration into society. This facility will provide a comprehensive approach to healing which includes, medical, dental, psychological, legal, education, and occupational assistance that will not only care for the victims, but their children as well.

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